
GPG and Friends

Encryption and Decryption

gpg --encrypt --recipient <email-address> --output <file>.gpg <file>
gpg --decrypt --output <file> <file>.gpg

Receive Key

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 407260f7616ece4d9d12462798e9740dc34539e0

Bulk recieve keys and give marginal trust

declare -a arr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

for key in "${arr[@]}"
  gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys $key
  # give marginal trust
  echo -e "3\nquit" | gpg --command-fd 0 --edit-key $key trust

Export Public Key

gpg --armor --export A875049861C3818F

Creation ∨ Rotation of Keys

Daniel Pecos Martínez’ How to rotate your OpenPGP / GnuPG keys (archive.org) succinctly describes creating keys, adding multiple uids, creating subkeys, rotating keys, revoking keys, publishing keys, offline backup, and using subkeys so that laptop key exposure does not compromise the main key and the web of trust which has grown. Consider also adding an authentication subkey (gpg --edit-key --expert <key-id>, addkey, 8, s, e, a, q, and save).

nb: “Verify that gpg -K shows a sec# instead of just sec for your private key. That means the secret key is not really there.” - Debian Wiki

My next subkey rotation

Luci Stanescu shared his process, which generates subkeys directly on the YubiKey. This is advantageous for creating an attestation certificate, which relies on the subkeys only ever existing on the YubiKey.

Very loose notes:


See drduh’s YubiKey-Guide and Chip Senkbeil’s YubiKey blogposts. Notes based on these.

Reset a YubiKey

Yubico’s Resetting the OpenPGP Application on the YubiKey

Set YubiKey basics

$ gpg --expert --edit-card
# set PIN and Admin PIN
# defaults are 123456 and 12345678
# set other info, like name

Transfer Subkeys to Yubikey

$ gpg --expert --edit-key 
key 1
key 1
key 2
key 2
key 3

Configure modes

Disable NFC:

ykman config nfc --disable-all

Require touch:

ykman openpgp keys set-touch sig fixed
ykman openpgp keys set-touch enc fixed
ykman openpgp keys set-touch aut fixed

Configure Git and Github

Get keygrip of auth key gpg -K --with-keygrip, set in ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol, set enable-ssh-support in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf, and reset gpg agent: gpgconf --kill all. Add to env export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket). Get auth key from card: ssh-add -L

Update GitHub settings for keys with both GPG and SSH keys.

$ cat ~/.gitconfig
        email = [email protected]
        name = Mark Esler
        signingkey = 0xa875049861c3818f

        gpgsign = true

Rotate pass

To update key of pass:

pass init <new-key>

Change Yubikeys with identical subkeys

Change selected card keygrip:

gpg-connect-agent 'scd serialno' 'learn --force' /bye

nb: this is not necessary if you just use seperate subkeys

Forget card

From How to make “gpg –card-status” forget an old card.

gpg-connect-agent 'KEYINFO --list' /bye
rm ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/KEYINFO-FOO.key

Harden GnuPG Configuration

From Kazutoshi Noguchi’s GnuPG Hardening set ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf to:

cert-digest-algo SHA512
# override recipient key cipher preferences
# remove 3DES and prefer AES256
personal-cipher-preferences AES256 AES192 AES CAST5
# override recipient key digest preferences
# remove SHA-1 and prefer SHA-512
personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
# remove SHA-1 and 3DES from cipher preferences of newly created key
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
# reject SHA-1 signature
weak-digest SHA1
# never allow use 3DES
disable-cipher-algo 3DES
# use AES256 when symmetric encryption
s2k-cipher-algo AES256
# use SHA-512 when symmetric encryption
s2k-digest-algo SHA512
# mangle password many times as possible when symmetric encryption
s2k-count 65011712
# both short and long key IDs are insecure
keyid-format none
# use full fingerprint instead

Also see YubiKey-Guide on GnuPG hardening.

nb: there is a small typo in Noguchi’s post. SHA-512 should be SHA512 on line 18.

Unattended Key Creation

See GnuPG’s documentation on Unattended key generation for more info.

gpg --batch --gen-key <<EOF
Key-Type: RSA and RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Name-Real: Mark Esler
Name-Email: [email protected]
Expire-Date: 1y
gpg --quick-add-uid <key-id> "Mark Esler <[email protected]>"
gpg --quick-set-primary-uid <key-id> "Mark Esler <[email protected]>"

Key Signing Party 🥳

Another guide by Daniel Pecos Martínez: Attending a PGP / GnuPG signing party